Orgl Musical instrument making has a long tradition in Salzburg and is closely linked with the musical life of this city. Salzburg is, in a manner of speach, a textbook example for a synergetic connection between musicians and music connoisseurs, composers and instrument makers, and it has been that for several centuries.

Already during the period when Leopold Mozart, W. A. Mozart, H.I. Franz Biber or Michael Haydn held the position of ‘Hofkapellmeister’, Salzburg Instrument Makers were well established.

The expert master craftsmen and artisans working in today’s instrument makers studios are considered leading in their field, specialized in making, restoration and repair of musical instruments.
Salbzburger Festung

Orgl Actual 2006:

11. Jun 2006: * Tag der ARGE Salzburger Musikinstrumentenbauer im Salzburger Freilichtmuseum

19. August 2006: * Die ARGE Salzburger Musikinstrumentenbauer veranstaltet ein „Konzert der besonderen Art“ im Gössl-Gwandhaus

Publikation:* Orgelfibel